Blog posts go here.
welcome to the first one
Hi, I’m Eric. I design and maintain the Mark’s Northeastern Furniture Foundation (MNEFF) website for Shelley Whitman Associates. Twice a month, I am going to use this space to help MNEFF tell its own story and investigate issues central to its charitable mission through these blog posts. Thank you for joining me for my first one. Once a month, I’ll write a short-form essay about one of the topics MNEFF cares deeply about, invite your comments, and reply to them. Also once a month, I’ll release a 10-15 minute podcast interview with a figure vital to the environmental and social justice issues MNEFF attempts to address through its chaitable work.
In our first poscast, available now, I’ll have an interview with Mark SIlverman, and you can listen on the link below. Hear Mark share the story of how MNEFF got it’s start, the challenges such anti-poverty green initatives face, and what he hopes to organization can accompish over the next decade. He also discusses how other parts of the trucking and moving and storage industry can get involved.
Around May 10th, I’ll be writing about the environmental legacy of the trucking industry in North America, and steps the modern trucking industry has taken and is taking to clean up its act. On the 25th of May we’ll release the second podcast, an interview with a representative of the Sierra Club’s Clean Transportation For All initiative. We’ll discuss what the campaign is stiving to do, and what success or failure means for our planet’s future. We’ll also discuss ways some trucking companies are starting to make a positive environmental impact, and how to convince more players in the moving business to get involved.
In late May, we’ll look at the state of America’s landfills, and examine the critical role furniture waste plays in clogging our limited supply of places to put our waste safely into the ground.
This should be a fun and worthwhile blog. If you care about the transportation industry, this blog will be for you. If you care about finding practical solutions to improve our environment, this blog will be for you. If you care about helping our nation’s poor lead better, safer, more dignified lives, this blog will be for you, too.
Join me here for it, won’t you?
P. S.—-below this post you will see a 35 second clip of a landfill. It only takes nine of those seconds for a drone to fly over one ton of waste and show it to you here.